Key Organisation Documents
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The GO concept is unique. GO membership encompasses former students, teachers, staff and friends and supporters of Dr Graham’s Homes, Kalimpong, worldwide. It is set up as a standalone organisation that seeks to represent the views of OGB’s globally and be their source of information and communication with the Homes and the Homes governing bodies including the BOM and the Overseas Committees.
In addition to being a platform for contact and communication, GO seeks to work closely with its membership to provide support to the Homes.
To provide a platform for the alumni to communicate, meet and arrange activities to foster growth and support the Homes.
To further ties between the students, the Homes staff and the Alumni and organise reunions and get- togethers.
To encourage the younger generation of OGBs to actively support the Homes to ensure continuity of the legacy of its founder, Dr. JA Graham.
To foster a working relationship with the Board of Management, Local Advisory Committee, the International Overseas Committees and OGB associations, in support of the betterment of the Homes.
To promote GO as a secure and robust organisation so it can be entrusted to receive funds and legacies in its support of the Homes.